the glory of spring
I live for this moment… this moment right here. I wish I could bring you here, too. Together we would lay, nestled into the driftwood cluttering the shore. Sun kissed we would rest.
There’s no greater silence than the silence of sitting in the sun. Somewhere deep in our bones, our biology feels at home here. There are no woes that the sun can’t melt - if but for a minute.
And if it is only a minute, let us waste no time at all - silence your voice. quiet your mind. yes. you must - focus on the wind. Breathe with it. Listen to the melody of Lake Michigan. Hear the chatter from the birds. Search the landscape for the sounds of ice breaking off into the water. Let yourself break off, too. I’m not one for meditation, not really anyway, but I promise your body will take the wheel while your soul rests here. If but for a minute.
The glory of spring is this.